Deforestation is a major problem for the forest ecosystem of Tanzania. With the growing demand for energy in Tanzania, the rate of deforestation is likely to accelerate other ecological/environmental problems.
We have tree planting projects that have been implemented in 2 villages. In Kolo there were 40 Grevillea robusta trees planted in 2011 that are thriving near in Kolowasi primary school. We also implemented another tree planting program near the solar powered water source in Cheku. Avocado, guava, oranges, passion fruit, mango and papaya trees were planted in 2013 and the nursery continues to grow. We also started a tree planting initiative with the 2 woman’s collectives in Kolo Village (Okoa Janga and Okoa Mazingira).
Bring a fews tree to plant with the women’s collective at one of these locations. You will spend the afternoon with the local project leader (along with your translator) who will teach you about the effects of deforestation in his/her community. At the end of the day you will plant the trees together with the community.